What is courage?
When a newborn baby leaves the comfort of the womb and enters the world, this is courage.
When a toddler bravely lets go of a sturdy chair and takes her first steps, this is courage.
When a child waves good-bye on his first day of kindergarten, this is courage.
When a teenager leaves the security of home to embark on a new chapter in life, this is courage.
When a person sits in the lobby of a company waiting nervously for an important job interview, this is courage.
When two people commit to a relationship, this is courage.
When one faces life’s inevitable trials and chooses to carry on, this is courage.
When a man decides his body can no longer sustain him and looks death in the face, this is courage.
In memory of John Saurman; the exemplification of courage to all who knew him.

John Saurman, 62 (1955-2017)
Source: Portland Press Herald, April 25, 2017
PORTMOUTH, N.H. - John Saurman, 62, of Portsmouth, N.H. passed away peacefully on April 22, 2017, surrounded by his loving family at home.
His primary passion was for sports. He was a member of International Association of Approved Basketball Officials for 25 years. He loved working as a starter at the Pease Golf Course where he made many long-time friends.
John is survived by his wife Melanie Martin; daughter Sara and her husband Matt Stone and his grandson Sawyer of Raymond; daughter Jessica Saurman of Colorado Springs, Colo.; daughter Olivia Saurman of Portsmouth, N.H.; and many other family members.