Career Coaching
It's your career. It's your life. Make it count.
Your career trajectory is as unique as you are. Want stellar results? It's time to start thinking about old problems in new ways, asking different questions, and discovering new potential.
Discover the benefits of our Executive Coaching Career Exploration and Outplacement services. In the words of famed author George Eliot, "It's never too late to be what you might have been.
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Executive Coaching
Executive coaching provides a business or non-profit leader with a focused strategy that will help him or her lead and manage change that is responsive to both employees and work relationships.
Individuals will be taught to hone their competencies to face current and anticipated challenges in the organization while aligning the needs of individuals to organizational needs and strategy.
Finally, individuals will learn techniques to influence others and build and sustain productive internal and external relationships.
When we approach each day with enthusiasm and excitement, when we try to bring our best selves to our work and into the world—this is what living a passionate life looks like. Passion generates energy and fuels achievement, yet people often settle for less in their work lives. Uncertain how to begin the change process, unaware of all possibilities, and unsure of potential outcomes, it may feel safer and easier to simply stay put and maintain the status quo.
If this sounds like you—if you feel stuck and yearn for something more, Potential Released wants to be your partner in change. Through one-on-one meetings, interviews and assessments, we'll identify your unique interests, values and motivators to tap into your passion and apply it to work that will keep you engaged and fulfilled. We'll address your specific personal and professional needs; identify viable, alternative career paths; and develop clear, step-by-step strategies to ensure you achieve your objectives. Change is easier with the right support!

Career Exploration

Your career isn't ending, it's just changing. You likely have options you have yet to consider. Where would you like to be in six months, a year, five years? Change can be challenging, but it also brings new opportunities to those who are willing to explore the possibilities.
Potential Released Consulting offers career coaching to individuals in career transition, at a time that is unexpected or sudden. We develop a comprehensive plan to ensure a smooth and well prepared transition to new opportunities. Explore all your options and get expert assistance to help you through the often stressful process of transitioning from your current job.